速報APP / 醫療 / Maricopa AH

Maricopa AH





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本




Maricopa AH(圖1)-速報App

This app is designed to provide extended care for the patients and clients of Maricopa Animal Hospital in Maricopa, Arizona.

With this app you can:

One touch call and email

Request appointments

Request food

Maricopa AH(圖2)-速報App

Request medication

View your pet’s upcoming services and vaccinations

Receive notifications about hospital promotions, lost pets in our vicinity and recalled pet foods.

Receive monthly reminders so you don’t forget to give your heartworm and flea/tick prevention.

Check out our Facebook

Maricopa AH(圖3)-速報App

Look up pet diseases from a reliable information source

Find us on the map

Visit our website

Learn about our services

* And much more!

Maricopa AH(圖4)-速報App

Dr. Kelly Larson and her team are committed to bringing you and your pets better health by practicing the science of Veterinary Medicine. Locally based, Maricopa Animal Hospital was purchased in 2007. Since then the staff have been performing veterinary medicine and compassionate animal care in the Maricopa area. Maricopa Animal Hospital is a full-service Animal Hospital whose mission is to provide the highest standard of quality and compassion in veterinary care for our patients and welcoming, informative, and supportive service for our clients, while maintaining a superior working environment for our employees. Maricopa Animal Hospital offers the Maricopa animal community standard medical, surgical, and dental veterinary care. Because we have an in-house pharmacy, lab, and radiology facilities, our facility enables you to make one stop for your pet's medical care. We are open for appointments during normal business hours.

Maricopa AH(圖5)-速報App